Altura Group and Goat Hill Project partner Delta Electricity have received a $4.7 million grant from the SA Government Renewable Technology Fund towards final development phase activities for the pumped hydro energy storage Goat Hill Project. The 230MW/1840MWh project, located 12 km west of Port Augusta will involve an investment of approximately $410 million and create about 200 jobs during construction.
The high level of current and future renewable generation in South Australia is ideally complemented by pumped hydro plant that can meet not only short term capacity needs but also sustained energy requirements. The project is moving through the final development phase to support an investment decision during 2018 and is the most advanced project proposal of this technology type.
The support of the South Australian Government has been vital in assisting the project meet this important project milestone, and Altura Group and project partner Delta Electricity look forward to continuing to work with the South Australian government, community and business partners supporting the final development phase activities, to bring this new project to South Australia.