The electricity market benefits of pumped hydro plants are in flattening the peaks and troughs of supply and demand, balancing the electricity network to cover peak demand times, whilst consuming electricity during times of generation surplus in the system.
There is a strong narrative in Australia around pumped hydro, with governments and regulatory planners recognising the benefits of fast start, dispatchable capacity, particularly for intra-day energy shifting of variable renewable energy.
Modern Pumped Hydro plant is much more flexible than the original fleet built in Australia, capable of very fast ramp rates, providing energy traders with the ideal tool to manage wholesale market exposure.
PHES becomes increasingly effective in grids with significant penetration of renewable energy technologies, to balance times of low and high electricity supply from variable intermittent generators and to assist grid frequency control and voltage regulation. This is increasingly relevant in regions where intermittent renewables (large scale wind and solar farms) produce a large proportion of the region’s electricity consumption. This significant percentage drives volatility of prices (both high and low) and contributes to system reliability and security issues associated with its intermittency.
Our projects are located in priority Renewable Energy Zones across the National Electricity Market, with access to high quality variable renewable resources, transmission capacity and load, which together with the high-quality nature of each project, will provide low cost flexible storage to manage intra-day volatility and resilience to energy market transformation over coming decades.